Lie Overflate Newsletter
Newsletters managed and created for Lie Overflate.
NOV 2021 - T.D
Restaurant Kontrast 10 Years Anniversary
Graphic design to SoMe posts for Kontrast's 10-year anniversary.
OKT 2023
Trolljeger posters
Posters created for Trolljeger, Norway's roughest terrain obstacle course with a focus on teamwork and self-achievement.
JUL 2023
Interactive People branding
Branding & website development for Interactive People, a team building company that uses gaming techniques to achieve higher commitment, increased focus and better performance to their clients. The result is a vibrant branding and a dynamic and innovative website.
FEB 2023
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Nidaros Business Forum
for this client we also did:
Marketing Material | Film Editing | Printing
Full branding and marketing material for Nidaros Business Forum, an arena for the leders in cybersecurity
Nidaros Business Forum is a knowledge platform tailored for Executives and members of the Senior Manager Team with a strategic or operational responsibility.
They gathered Industry Experts and Experienced Executives within the areas of Cybersecurity, AI and Leadership Complexity with the objective to create a safe environment to learn, train and discuss these critical topics.
Broadstone has been their partner in marketing material. We created a logo, visual profile and all marketing materials to their first event at Britannia Hotel 2. - 3. Nov 2023.
The result is a professional and versatile branding that easily can be used for different mediums.
We delivered
Stickers/Banner for LinkedIn for all speakers
Posters designed for SoMe
Pictures designed for SoMe
Full branding (logo, colors, font, graphics)
PowerPoint Presentation
Promo film
"waiting for quote"
PD Events | Nidaros Business Forum